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Transnational Meetings

We will converse about management and planning of the project, disseminating of the project activities, materials, results/impacts of the project. We will exchange of experience and training and professional development during the al meetings. We will work on clarification of responsibilities about results successfully in the long term in European level.

During the international meetings, there will be a feedback on the project, an assessment and evaluation of its objectives and targets achievements so that all of us can redefine, reorganize or repeat activities that did not achieve their goals.

Parts of meetings will be held in the local municipalities, in other pre-schools and the community (discusions, active learning, work-shops). Each country, participants will be introduced to teaching policy in the country, priorities in education, issues regarding teacher further training, the organization's activities, educational problems. Transnational project meetings will take place on the dates:

Bulgaria November, 2017 Presentation Agenda Gallery
United Kingdom April, 2018 Presentation    
Latvia May, 2019